Frequently Asked Question

How to Create a Personal Account
Last Updated 11 hours ago

  • Click on register on the log in page.

  • Enter a unique email address and verify email

  • An OTP will be sent to the email address entered, check and enter OTP on FROG page. (Do not forget to check SPAM in case it does not appear in your inbox)
  • Enter email OTP
  • Next enter a unique phone number and verify


  • An OTP will be sent to the phone number entered, check and enter OTP on FROG page.
  • Registration is the next step where you will need to enter your:
    • Full name
    • Username
    • Initial sender ID
    • Email address and phone number will automatically be entered because of initial entry and verification.


  • Strong password which should be at least 8 characters long, should have lower and uppercase letter(s), contain a number(s) and special character(s).
  • Country
  • Location
  • Referral code is optional. You can select and enter is you have one
  • Select where you heard about from


  • Agree to privacy policy and opt if you want to receive marketing campaigns.
  • Click on create account which will take you to the dashboard.


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